Monday, May 12, 2008

Magnum makes an impact on the ECWA

Monday, May 12, 2008
Magnum took ECWA Pro Wrestling by storm last night, adding a touch of class and a whole lotta awesomeness to the dumpy, glamless Delaware hole that is the ECWA. Frederick of Hollywood, the brightest shining star in the dark cloud that is the ECWA went on to demolish Mega with a humongous slam. Can you say "power"?

Magnum was off the hook, stealing hearts as he watched Frederick take the win.

Commissioner Naegle tried to get the better of Magnum by throwing him into the 27-man Over the Top Rope Spring Olympiad rumble ... but Magnum showed him who's awesomest by WINNING THE MATCH!!! Magnum, in true style, survived just about every member of the ECWA locker room, and then finally eliminated 400-pound Mega for the win.

More details and footage to follow.


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