Monday, July 14, 2008

Adults Only

Monday, July 14, 2008

For months, the offices of the ECWA have been negotiating with the Duke and his Squire about joining the promotion. They are the hottest thing overseas and Commissioner Naegele has been trying to get them into the ECWA. There has been one road block…
They hate kids!

And knowing that ¾ of the ECWA fan base is kids under the age of 18, they have been reluctant and obstinate about appearing here. Finally Commissioner Naegele was only able to get them to agree on July 26 if the pending stipulation was in place that if they win, all kids under the age of 18 years of age will be BANNED from attending future ECWA cards. Naegele agreed to the terms even putting the future of ¾ of his own fan base at stake. No one seems to know what Naegle was thinking (it is well known that in ECWA management circles, Naegele is indifferent to kids, Freak Nastty and Jim Kettner love having the kids at the shows). But nonetheless, the match has been made.

Full story here.


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